Friday, July 20, 2012


o 6th Mission IARC Rules  (A 2012 Winner will receive $30,000)
o The 6th Mission American Venue will be held from 31 July through 3 August 2012. The venue was the Betty Engelstad Sioux Center in Grand Forks adjacent to the University of North Dakota.
o In concert with the IARC, the 2012 Symposium on Indoor Flight Issues will be held at the Center for Innovation adjacent to the University of North Dakota. Parallel sessions will be held in Beijing China. Review the online Call for Papers here.
o New Asian Venue to be held in Beijing China from 7 - 9 August 2012
Because of the expense of travel, teams from Asia and Australia can be at an economic disadvantage when entering the International Aerial Robotics Competition. The organizers have now created two parallel venues, one in Grand Forks North Dakota, USA, and one in Beijing China, PRC. Teams can compete in Mission 6 at one or the other venue (not both) under the same rules. All procedures will apply equally at either venue. New teams will register at either the "American Venue" or the "Asia/Pacific Venue". 

Two venues operating nearly simultaneously on opposite sides of the planet-- competition arenas, judging, rules, and procedures will be uniform across both venues. Asian Judges and American Judges will confer, and representatives from both venues will be present at the each venue. A winner for Mission 6 could emerge from either venue, and were there to be nearly equivalent near-winning performances from both the American and Asian venues, a "fly-off" between the top two contenders would be considered at one of the two venues with a level of travel support for the team traveling farthest.

New entries should consider which venue suits them best, but once a venue is chosen, teams must continue at that venue (no switching). New applications for IARC events beginning in 2012 will be made through the Official IARC web site as before, however the online Application Form now provides a space for designating the venue of choice.
o The Asia/Pacific Venue of the IARC will be held in concert with the Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics Guidance, Navigation & Control conference (CGNCC2012).
o The IARC forums are now available. Click here to go to the forums.


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