By. Ahmad Hasbullah, Garut
Millenium Development Goals
There are some efforts that we can do to accelerate the MDGs realization in Indonesia from 8 aspects that become the main problems. Those are as follows :
1. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
There are many people who live in a poverty. The motivation and also help from people around them are needed to give the spirit in their life. Giving the allowance for them to create their own small company has been done by private sector or state sector. Now the most important is about the knowledge about having business or running the business well that people need, because it will be nothing if they don’t have the knowledge to sell something. Seminar and also giving a special lesson for them is needed. And it is not only for those who live in a rural area but in urban as well.
2. Achieve Universal Primary Education
The increasing of 20% for educational system is really needed and important. It has been realized. BOS or Bantuan Operasional Sekolah is done in order to get the better education in every school around Indonesia. The problem is about the effectiveness of this program. Does it really help the schools? Does it make the schools much better? A good Evaluating and supervising are really important to be done because corruption may occur through this way.
“Pesantren or Sekolah Madrasah/ keagamaan” needs much attention from the government, because it is a near educational place that can be seen from the family life. Especially it concerns about religion.
The school in village or rural places (private and state schools) needs much attention from the government. So there will be no discrimination among teachers in the urban and rural areas.
3. Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
The seminar and also conference about gender equality is required to be done in order to give the understanding for everyone about the women power and also the losing of discrimination especially in a village. There, The tradition and also culture create the big wall to fight this problem. The curriculum in a school about gender is important to create the same perception among people.
4. Reduce Child Morality
“Posyandu” which is spread globally is needed. And the supervising from the whole elements are needed for the efficiency of this program. Vaksin in school is also needed.
5. Improve Maternal Health
There supposed to be a promotion for pregnant women to check their pregnancy to the hospital continuously. It will be a problem for poor people to do it because the price must be quite expensive. The government has to help them to realize this program for instance giving free check for those who are pregnant and don’ have much money to check their pregnancy in a “Puskesmas” or hospital.
6. Combat Malaria, HIV/AIDS and other diseases
The clean and healthy life should be promoted through the places around Indonesia, including for those who have no television or radio. The conference and seminar that can give the understanding for people about the danger of those disease are needed and important to be done too.
7. Ensure Environment Sustainable
There are many crimes related with the environment sustainability, especially if we see from the tourism point of view. The government policy about ecotourism movement should be realized and giving a strict rule or punishment are needed to be done.
8. A Global Partnership for Development
Young generation is a leader for the future. The mutual understanding for people should be planted for every young generation. Giving a chance to get the education from outside the country is needed in order to be implemented in this country (positive values) especially about the art of partnership. So they have many experiences dealing or lobbying for a good thing among people around the globe.
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