Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nasib Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser Masih Terancam: Perkara Gugatan GeRAM Ditunda 3 Minggu

JAKARTA -- 8 November 2016 ---  Penggugat GeRAM (Gerakan Rakyat Aceh Menggugat) kecewa dengan keputusan hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat yang menunda keputusan perkara gugatan GeRAM selama 3 minggu hingga tanggal 29 November 2016. Seperti diketahui, GeRAM menggugat Menteri Dalam Negeri, Gubernur Aceh, dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh (DPRA) karena tidak memasukkan Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser (KEL) ke dalam Rancangan Tata Ruang Wilayah Aceh (RTRWA) 2013-2033 (Qanun Aceh No. 19/2013).

Sembilan pemuka adat Aceh[1] mendaftarkan perkara ini di PN Jakarta Pusat pada tanggal 21 Januari 2016 (No. 33/Pdt.G/2016/PN.JKT.PST).  Para penggugat  hadir pada sidang hari ini untuk mendengarkan hasil sidang putusan para Hakim dalam perkara - gugatan warga negara (Citizen Lawsuit)  pertama yang berasal dari Aceh. Namun, hakim mengumumkan bahwa keputusan untuk perkara tersebut tidak bisa diumumkan hari ini, seperti yang telah direncanakan. Perwakilan dari Menteri Dalam Negeri hadir pada sidang hari ini, akan tetapi tidak terlihat perwakilan dari Gubernur Aceh dan DPRA.

“Kami sedang mengerjakan tugas lain dari Mahkamah Agung. Sehingga rekan kami yang lain juga masih mengikuti tugas dari Mahkamah Agung,” tegas  Agustinus Setyo Wahyu, Ketua Majelis Hakim dalam perkara ini di hadapan sidang, PN Jakarta Pusat.

Aman Jarum, pemuka adat dari Gayo Lues dan salah seorang penggugat mengatakan, “Kami harus kembali ke Aceh dengan berat hati karena kami telah berjuang selama beberapa tahun ini untuk melawan RTRWA tersebut. Tetapi, kami akan kembali lagi ke Jakarta untuk keputusan gugatan pada tanggal 29 November 2016. Kami memohon kepada para hakim agar bijaksana dalam membuat keputusan dengan memperhatikan kesejahteraan rakyat Aceh yang bergantung pada KEL.”

Dalam proses pengadilan yang telah berlangsung, saksi fakta maupun saksi ahli GeRAM memberikan argumen yang kuat mengenai alasan mengapa RTRWA bertentangan dengan peraturan yang lebih tinggi. KEL adalah kawasan lindung yang memiliki, sedikitnya, tiga payung hukum:  Undang-Undang No. 11/2006 tentang Pemerintah Aceh, Undang-Undang No. 26/2007 tentang Rancangan Tata Ruang, dan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 26/2008 tentang Rancangan Tata Ruang Nasional.

[1] Effendi, Aceh Besar; Juarsyah, Bener Meriah; Abu Kari, Gayo Lues; Dahlan, Lhokseumawe; Kamal Faisal, Aceh Tamiang; Muhammad Ansari Sidik, Aceh Tenggara; Sarbunis, Aceh Selatan; Najaruddin, Nagan Raya:Farwiza, Banda Aceh.

Fate of Leuser Ecosystem Hangs in the Balance: GeRAM Lawsuit Verdict Delayed by 3 Weeks

JAKARTA -- 8 November 2016 ---  The Aceh Citizen Lawsuit Movement (GeRAM) left court disappointed today after Jakarta state court judges delayed their verdict for 3 weeks until 29th November 2016. GeRAM’s citizen lawsuit challenges the Minister of Home Affairs, the Aceh Governor and the Aceh parliament for failing to include the Leuser Ecosystem (LE) in the Aceh Spatial Plan 2013-2033 (Qanun Aceh No. 19/2013).

The lawsuit was registered at the Jakarta state court on the 21st January 2016 (33/Pdt.G/2016/PN.JKT.PST) by 9 Acehnese community leaders[1] who form GeRAM. The plaintiffs travelled from all around Aceh to hear today’s ruling on their case – the first ever citizen lawsuit to come out of Aceh. However the chair of the judges announced that regrettably the decision could not be delivered as planned today. The representative of the Minister of Home Affairs attended the hearing, while the representatives of the Aceh Governor and Aceh parliament were not present.

Chair of the judges, Agustinus Setyo Wahyu, said, “We regret to inform you that our panel of judges are otherwise engaged in duties from the Supreme court so we must delay our verdict until the 29th November.”

Aman Jarum, a Gayo Lues traditional leader and one of the plaintiffs said, “We are going back to Aceh with heavy hearts because we have been struggling for many years against this destructive spatial plan. But we will return to Jakarta in 3 weeks time for the verdict. We appeal to the judges to apply their wisdom in making their decision, taking into account the lives and livelihoods of the Acehnese people which depend on the LE.”

Over the course of the case, factual and expert witnesses for the plaintiffs presented strong testimony for why the Aceh Spatial Plan breaches national law. The LE exists as a protected area in at least three legal regulations: Law No. 11 year 2006 on Governing Aceh, Law No. 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning, and its derivative Government Regulation 26 Year 2008 on the National Spatial Plan. This year has also seen significant momentum in the protection of the LE from the Indonesian government. In April 2016, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya, declared a moratorium on oil palm expansion and mining inside the LE. Only last Thursday (3/11) the Minister said that she had decided to incorporate the boundaries of the LE into the Aceh state forest map, which means that the LE would become an inseparable part of the Aceh Spatial Plan[2].

Representative of the plaintiffs, Farwiza Farhan said, "We applaud Minister Siti Nurbaya for her efforts to ensure that the Leuser Ecosystem is integral to the Aceh Spatial Plan. We hope that the verdict on our citizen lawsuit case will align with the Minister’s efforts and result in a revision of the spatial plan which upholds the national legal protection of the Leuser Ecosystem.”

Continues over

[1] Effendi, Aceh Besar District; Juarsyah, Bener Meriah district; Abu Kari, Gayo Lues District; Dahlan, Lhokseumawe city; Kamal Faisal, Aceh Tamiang District; Muhammad Ansari Sidik, Southeast Aceh district; Sarbunis, South Aceh District; Najaruddin, Nagan Raya district; Farwiza, Banda Aceh.


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